Olive oil: a benefit for the hair and face


Did you know that Olive Oil is excellent for both your hair and skin? In this article, we share our best tips to give a second life to your hair and skin, in a completely natural way!


Olive oil for you hair


What does it do?

As well as being an excellent embellishment for your cooking, olive oil is also very useful for your hair! This oil is a concentrate of polyphenols which makes it extremely nourishing and healthy for our hair. It equally has a repairing effect on any type of damaged hair, as well as having antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help to keep hair shiny and healthy..


Which oil helps hair grow?

Choose virgin or extra virgin Olive oil to avoid any compromising additives!


Nourish - Strengthen - Restore radiance - Repair


Olive oil for hair: growth, shine, repair


Olive oil answers several types of problems concerning your hair.

Indeed, it allows to promote hair growth, leave hair more shiny, help repair any split ends, help reduce frizz and calm an irritated scalp !

 The huge range of properties, allows for it to respond to many different types of problems! You will definitely notice a true change before-after by using and adding Olive Oil to your daily beauty routine.

Warning : Do not apply this oil after dying your hair, it can accelerate the fading of the color. Also, be careful to properly shampoo your hair after having used the oil because if it is not done properly, the oil leaves residues and your hair will quickly become greasy.


Olive Oil for dry or frizzy hair?

Olive oil works for all types of hair, whether be it long, short, dry or curly. Particularly for frizzy hair it is essential to use hair masks regularly. A mask really works when it is applied to your hair over a long period of time, minimum 2 hours, so that the oil can penetrate deep into the hair.


The different hair treatments made from Olive oil

There are two main types of care treatment for hair: Oil baths and hair masks. But what is the real difference between these two methods?


Soften and hydrate your hair with an Olive oil mask

A mask is simply used after shampoo to soften the hair. It is applied only on the ends of your hair. There are many different types of masks (hydrating, nourishing...) but the main common ingredient is always vegetable oil. Olive oil is one of the few oils to be suitable for all types of hair. It is all the extra ingredients added to the oil which define the resulting effect you want the mask to have on you hair.


An olive oil bath for hair

An olive oil bath is applied before shampooing. As its name suggests, it is a bath which that will extend the life of you hair. The principal is to coat your hair in oil, to wrap it in cellophane and add a warm towel over it to directly penetrate into the your hair. This type of treatment is highly recommended for hair that is dry or damaged. Here the oil will simply replace the role of the sebum, often lacking in longer hair, in order to restore softness and strengthen the ends.


How to apply olive oil to the scalp?

We recommend you apply the oil once a week directly onto dry hair in order to avoid water creating a protective barrier. Massage your hair from the ends to the scalp delicately to soak up all the oil. Wrap your hair in a towel and leave it to sit for 1-2 hours. Rinse well with clean water before shampooing.


Olive oil for the face


A lemon and olive oil face mask (also can be used for hair)


Olive oil can also have numerous benefits for your skin. Do you have dilated pores, oily or dull skin? Mix together Olive oil with honey whilst adding lemon. The effect of the oil mixed with the lemon juice will clean and leave your skin looking radiant and soft due to the honey.


On the other hand, for dry skin it is better to use a nourishing mask made of olive oil and honey. Once tested, you will certainly be convinced of the benefits of this mask!


Recipe for face mask for dry skin:

  • 2 tablespoons of Olive oil (32g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25g)

Mix the two ingredients together until smooth. Wash your face beforehand, then apply a thin cover of the oil mask to your face. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week.


Olive Oil also for babies?


It is strongly recommended to massage your baby with an organic and good quality oil, preferably with an olive oil as it has multiple benefits for both the skin and health of the baby. Discover all the benefits of olive oil for the skin of babies.


Sources :

L’huile d'olive pour les cheveux : est-ce que ça marche vraiment ? - Voici



Masque capillaire et bain d’huile: quelle est la différence? – CONFESSIONS D’UNE BEAUTY LOVEUSE (confessionsdunebeautyloveuse.com)

Masque cheveux huile d’olive : la solution naturelle (masquecheveuxmaison.net)


Our olive oils